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Volatility index
Volatility indices give traders a clue as to the state and mood of the market. They reflect the expectations about the change in the price range of certain trading instruments and allow you to assess whether there is a panic in…
Manage Your Emotions (Part 2 – Intelligence)
Emotions always outweigh knowledge. You may have extensive knowledge of trading, but this wisdom may not be worth a dime if you are not able to manage your emotions to overcome your insecurities.
This is…
The Trader’s Mindset: Addressing Stagnant Profits
In the dynamic world of trading, a trader's mental equilibrium is pivotal to decision-making and consistent profit growth. Here, we delve into the essence of trading psychology, the prevalent psychological barriers traders face, and how to…
Six New Year Resolutions for Traders in 2023
The year 2022 is coming to an end, and the time has come for a fresh start in 2023. The end of the year is a great time for traders to review their 2022 trading performance and reflect on how they’ve fared in the market. To take advantage…
Who to become: Trader, Investor or Manager?
When a person comes to Forex, to a broker in an office, for example, immediately or after training he is faced with the question of which direction to choose. We will not talk about the "player" category - people who come to the exchange…
What is Expert Advisor (EA)
If you trade forex using a trading platform for trading, then you have probably already noticed that the possibilities of this program are much wider than just opening orders.
One of the most requested features in metatrader or similar…
What is Forex VPS and What Is It For
The trading conditions in which modern traders work have changed dramatically over the past 10-15 years. Today, a trader's computer and trading terminal are able to work miracles, performing the most complex mathematical calculations in a…
Trader tips from Richard Dennis, the popular 20th century forex speculator
Tips for traders from Richard Dennis, the popular currency speculator of the 20th centuryWhen a person wants to achieve results, he tends to listen to the opinions of others. There is only one "but" here: there are always many people who…
Bid and ask
The bid and ask price is one of the most basic concepts in trading currencies, stocks, as well as other exchange-traded assets. First of all, any newcomer to the forex market faces them, so you need to clearly understand the meaning of…