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Editor’s Choice

Gambling Psychology In Trading

A lot of people decide to start trading because they think it is an easy and quick way to earn money. They treat trading as a game, falling victim to the so-called gambling psychology. In this article, we’ll learn what gambling psychology…


The most popular option for working on Forex is trading within one day, or if it is more correctly expressed within one day, it is the transaction opened and completed within one day that is called day trading. During its implementation, no…

Manage Your Emotions (Part 3 – Beliefs)

YOUR WORLD IS BUILT ON BELIEFS Not only do you have to deal with the emotions that are driven by the will to survive and affect your thought process. As a trader, you must also come to a new understanding of how personality psychology…

What is binary trading in forex?

In the world of developing technologies binary trading occupies its own niche. Many people make a shot at trading in forex in the hope of reward and that is not in vein. A binary option is an up-to-date tool and a very good solution both…

Range forex charts

Many traders often use intraday Forex price charts based on time frames like 5 or 60 minute periods. On such charts, a bar (OHLC bar or candlestick) is indicated at the end of each time interval. For example, on a 60-minute stock chart, a…

How to make Forex training effective

In recent years, there has been no problem getting Forex training. Even if you don't have the ability or desire to pay for it. The presence of a large number of freely accessible books, articles, videos - all this greatly facilitates the…