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Forex of Beginners

Oil Is Black Gold for CFD Trading

Oil is a mineral used to produce fuel. And it is also used as a raw material for household chemicals, cosmetics, clothes and many other products are made from it. But not only. Oil is also a popular commodity that is traded all over the…

What is a central bank?

A central bank is a financial institution that manages the monetary policy and currency supply of a country or group of countries. It is typically responsible for maintaining stability in the financial system. This includes the stability of…

Market depth

The foreign exchange market has many different characteristics that help to assess its condition and opportunities, one of these indicators is the "Market Depth". Market depth is an assessment of the volume of transactions in a…

Exchange spoofing

Spoofing (from the English "spoof" - deception) is a tactic used in the financial markets, which aims to manipulate prices and create artificial changes in trading. This type of manipulation strongly influences market dynamics and can…

Best Day Trading Laptops in 2023

When discussing the requirements for successful trading, pro traders often mention having the right tools. A quality laptop is among such tools. A trader needs a good laptop just as much as an F1 driver needs a good racing car. A skilled…