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What is Decentralized Finance, or DeFi?

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is similar to but not identical to Bitcoin (BTC). The term "DeFi" refers to financial systems enabled by decentralized blockchain technology. DeFi is mostly linked to the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain and the…

Inflation: main types and methods of regulation

Inflation appears as a long-term process, which manifests itself in the growth of the general level of prices. As a result, monetary aggregates depreciate relative to real assets. This is the essence of this phenomenon, which depends on…

What is a central bank?

A central bank is a financial institution that manages the monetary policy and currency supply of a country or group of countries. It is typically responsible for maintaining stability in the financial system. This includes the stability of…

Benefits and costs of economic growth

Most governments aim for high economic growth, believing that this will lead their countries to higher standards of living. Through monetary policy, the government attempts to influence aggregate demand by controlling spending and the…

Myths about Forex Trading

There are various opinions about forex, but some of them are misconceptions shaped by ignorance, bad experiences and scam sucker-bait addressed to forex newbies. You will come across absolutely contrary opinions when reading reviews on…

What Is a Limit Order? How Does It Work?

One way that you can protect your account is by using what is referred to as a “limit order.” These orders specify the most you are willing to buy or sell a security at, making any trade you enter better understood before getting into it.…

The economic cycle and its phases

Many generations of researchers have tried to unravel the mystery of the cyclical fluctuations of the market economy. Now, when in Russia the breeding process becomes more and more cyclical, this problem is of interest to a wide range of…

How to Get into Online Metal Trading?

The most popular precious metals in metals trading are gold and silver. The latter is strongly linked to the main currencies and the world economy as a whole. Precious metals have long been the medium of exchange between dealers worldwide.…