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Do your really need automated trading?
Yesterday we’ve focused on the trading plan, which includes a trading system inside. Today, we’ll be talking a bit more about the latest. But not a typical one or even a particular one, we’ll be analyzing what today is known as “automated…
Can A Stock Go Negative?
There are numerous professional stock traders who have made a name for themselves in the dynamic stock market. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the stock market is also prone to numerous factors that influence stock prices,…
What is binary trading in forex?
In the world of developing technologies binary trading occupies its own niche. Many people make a shot at trading in forex in the hope of reward and that is not in vein.
A binary option is an up-to-date tool and a very good solution both…
What Is a Stock Index?
A stock index is used to describe the stock market's performance or a specific part of it and compare the returns on investments. In general, an index uses a weighted average of stock prices. The Nasdaq, S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial…
3 simple steps to overcome trader block
After closing a winning or losing trade, a trader can experience what today is commonly known as a “trader’s block”. In simple words, it refers to the condition when a trader feels blocked and finds very (if not impossible) to open new…
What Forex Platform to Choose: MT4 or MT5
What forex platform to choose? Which trading platform is on top of the list of the best forex software today? In the modern forex trading reality, vast majority of forex traders deem that the best platform for forex trading is MetaTrader…
How to understand forex charts
While forex charts might look daunting at first glance, don’t be deterred. We explore the basics of reading charts so you know what to look out for to help you make your trading decisions.
No matter how you prefer to trade – whether…
How Does Dollar-Cost Averaging Work?
Active trading can be stressful, time-consuming, and not yield the desired results. On the other hand, there are alternatives. You can look for an approach to investing that is less burdensome to your resources and requires less…
Trading at home
Usually we imagine the work of a trader on the stock exchange or a huge office among dozens or even hundreds of colleagues, a flurry of activity in buying and selling various trading instruments.
But electronic trading is completely…
How to read forex trading charts?
Forex analytics have key importance and is an essential part of trading in the international market. With the aid of special instruments, which are called charts and trading bar graphs, a trader can forecast the market changes. To read…