Forex breakeven zone

In any type of business, there is such a thing as a break-even zone, in fact, this is a kind of border between losses and profits, the intersection of which allows you to hope for a successful outcome of the transaction. If we consider…

How to Become a Professional Trader?

After learning more about the world of trading and getting real money from your trades, you might start thinking about becoming a professional trader. But what makes a professional trader? Well, professional traders obviously make trading…

How to boost your mojo

Trading is not a 9-5 job that finishes when you stop…it never sleeps. When you’re not trading, you’re reading and learning to get better. But there are times (if there haven’t been already) when your motivation is low… Here are a couple of…

How to Practice Discipline in Trading

The success of trading depends on many different factors. They include not only theoretical savvy, understanding of fundamental and technical analysis, constant learning and gaining experience, but also psychological and emotional…