Expensive broker training. How to check the value of the information?

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The best option to learn Forex was and remains individual. Not all brokers provide it. But there are many such proposals. It implies a quality program + long-term or lifetime management support. It turns out that first you study, then you start practicing under his guidance, after which you can trade from the office, spending as much time as you want there. In parallel, you can get advice on opening offers and receive tips. The only condition is an open account in a company with a certain amount. Sometimes it amounts to several thousand dollars, less often it is just a minimum deposit.

Expensive broker training. How to prove the value of the information? If you only want those courses, it is best to start with the basic lessons, regardless of the options that are offered. Why is this so important? Because many developing countries simply take advantage of their students, “forcing” them to have a low-quality education. Interestingly, the same broker in different cities can have good and bad offices, the employees can be conscientious and irresponsible… This is because the management is different and also because many companies are expanding through franchises and programs. Similar. Most companies cannot respond promptly to the poor performance of staff in different cities and some of them do not need to. The victims, in turn,

Therefore, start with mini-courses, with basic lessons. You will not lose much time: it usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks. But you will be able to determine from the results if it is worth paying the company for your training.

Broker Self-Assessment for Fees
Not all brokers and CDs offer these courses for free, but they are always the cheapest of all that the company offers. You can also attend master classes, seminars and everything that is taught there as complementary classes.

What to look for when taking courses: Expensive broker training. How to check the value of the information? two

The amount of information that the CD emits during training. There are real examples where in 2 weeks futures traders do not get even the minimum: they listen to the theory that still does not tell them anything, they spend 1-2 lessons to learn how to fill in the fields to register an account, see how “the professionals” “, etc. Based on the results of the lessons, you should already be able to do something: understand how offers are opened and how 4 order options differ, know various signals for entering the market and be able to combine them, get an idea of ​​the money managerial and trading psychology.
The quality of the information. You have been given a strategy or a signal. Check them out! And more than once. Does it really work? What is the percentage of processed transactions?
attitude towards customers. How quickly does the company respond to your questions and concerns? Are you trying to solve the problems that have arisen? Does it work for customer results or just to collect their money? Is the support line operational?
Responsibility . While you’re visiting the office (if you’re not studying online), there’s an opportunity to chat with other traders. Some share their experience, but most of the time you can just watch their behavior, their communication with staff, to see what the situation is like. Who you see? Successful students and satisfied investors? Or outraged customers? It will not be difficult to draw conclusions.

If in the process of completing the basic courses you did not find any shortcomings or there were very few of them, you can pay for more expensive training. Although almost all brokers have it, not all of them advertise it: ask directly. As a general rule, it implies the constant support of the teacher, even after the course has finished.

Here you can make the most of the opportunities that have been opened to you. Attend all available classes of the company: seminars, master classes. Operate from the DC office. Ask your teacher for help. This way you can quickly reach a high level.

Note that this approach is more effective for two reasons: the presence of constant supervision and the help of professionals. This is the best that can be chosen, as long as the company is really serious and responsible. If you have that financial opportunity, don’t give it up.

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